Erectile dysfunction affects 20% of men in the United States and continues to get worse. Not only does it impact sexual health but can also have an a psychological impacts. Only 25% of men surveyed receive medical treatment for erectile dysfunction. If you are looking for a medication free method of treating ED with a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) keep reading…
Where To Place TENS Pads For Erectile Dysfunction
Read carefully for the correct placement for erectile dysfunction. First, make sure the TENS device is turned off. Next you will want to place the TENS electrode pads at the base of the penis and shaft of the penis. Most TENS units have one wire that splits off into two with an electrode pad attached to it.

By using the correct TENS unit pad placement a TENS unit for ED will increase blood flow to the penis which is one of the main causes of this medical illness. TENS therapy has minimal side effects and is a medication free. Using this particular placement for erectile dysfunction will get you the best results.
Learn how to setup a TENS unit here.
Closely Follow the Instructions
Some TENS units come with only a few settings and others come with a lot more. The TENS devices that have a wide range of settings generally mean you have a broadened degree of control over how intense you want the settings to be.
For chronic and ongoing pain, you should keep your treatment settings somewhere between 2 Hz and 10 Hz. That doesn’t sound like much but it’s great for multiple, small treatments throughout the day when you’re dealing with ongoing, long-term plantar fasciitis.
To deal with moderate pain, set the frequency between 35 Hz and 50 Hz. Acute, high levels of pain may require you to go as high as 80 Hz to 120 Hz. Of course, you have to be careful when adjusting to very high settings.
You’re dealing with very high current, after all, and a TENS device is more than capable of doing the exact opposite of relieving pain. It can even burn the skin if you set it too high. The best method is the experimental one. Adjust the Hz between the settings for the kind of pain you’re dealing with.
Only make small adjustments at a time and allow some time on a single setting to see how your feet feel before you adjust the frequency even higher. The idea is to relieve pain, not create more pain and problems for yourself.
Why Should You Trust Me?

I have extensively used TENS units for neck, shoulder, back and heel pain. I’m certified by Relias Academy in TENS, interferential electrical stimulation, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). With over 10 years of TENS unit therapy experience, I feel confident that my recommendations can help you lessen the aches and pains of everyday life.
How To Correctly Use a TENS Unit for Erectile dysfunction
You are going to want to go slow and be deliberate when connecting TENS electrode pads to your penis. TENS units are easy to use and these steps will ensure a pain free treatment for ED.
Although its not necessary you can use a TENS unit electrode gel and apply to the skin for a better seal. You can use TENS without the gel but if you need gel check out Amazon. Steps to take prior to tens unit pad placement:
- Step 1 is the most important. Make sure the TENS unit is off before applying the pads.
- Be sure to clean the area of skin where electrodes will be applied—soap and water works just fine
- For a better adhesion shave any hair that is surrounding the penis.
- When dry, apply gel to the two electrodes, If using without gel go ahead and attach the pads.
- Place the electrode pads at the base of the penis, on the underside of the shaft
- Hook the wire connectors to the electro pads
- Plug the electrodes into the TENS unit
- Turn the TENS unit on to the right setting
To learn how to understand the various TENS unit settings click here
For the tens unit pad placement, If the TENS pads you have are too big you can trim them. To learn how to do this correctly check out my article here.
If there is any kind of enduring skin inflammation, redness, or itchiness, you will want to stop with the treatment and allow the skin to heal. That’s definitely not a place in which you want to experience skin reactions.
Best TENS Unit for ED Treatment

This is the best TENS unit for erectile dysfunction on the market today. iReliev delivers the correct frequency to increase blood flow and expand blood vessels. It offers multiple settings that assist in targeting the desired area to effectively improve function.
Is A TENS Unit for Erectile Dysfunction Safe?
Yes, a TENS unit is safe to treat erectile dysfunction. There are studies that show the effectiveness of TENS therapy. Click here to read the study from the National Institute of Health. Here is the cliff notes version:
- 83% of patients reported a functional improvement while using a TENS unit
- 100% of patients would recommend a TENS unit to a family or friend to treat ED.
- When surveyed, 100% of ED staff found that TENS units were effective in treating pain for patients, and 97% would want to use them if they themselves were patients
Want to learn how a TENS unit can help with your pelvic floor? Click here.
What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and maintain an erection that’s firm enough for sex. Men who have ED have decreased blood flow to the penis, which is caused by many things from high blood pressure, side effects from prescription drugs and high blood pressure.
Want to know where to place a TENS unit for pelvic floor? Click here.
Here are the most common symptoms of ED:
- Difficulty getting an erection
- Difficulty maintaining an erection
- Reduced interest in sexual activity
- Low self-esteem
Wondering how a TENS unit can help treat erectile dysfunction and expand blood vessels? Click here to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes a TENS unit increases blood flow by stimulating your muscles and increasing the blood flow into the area of treatment. It increases blood flow by switching your muscle on and off, causing them to contract and release repeatedly throughout the treatment.
Overusing a TENS unit and operating it at high frequencies can damage nerves over time. To safely use a TENS unit always start off with the lowest setting and increase it slowly. If it any point you feel pain or discomfort lower the setting immediately.
No. Using a TENS unit even at a high setting or for a long duration has no effect on your blood pressure.
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