The Phoenix ED device is not a medication, and it is designed to deal with erectile dysfunction through the use of acoustic wave therapy (shockwave therapy) to repair blood vessels. The acoustic wave therapy device in question is known as the Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and it’s becoming a popular choice amongst those wanting to treat erectile dysfunction.
Men, don’t let your sexual health decline for your partner to find out (if they haven’t already). Get ahead of the game and knock the socks off your partner in bed with The Phoenix.

There are several clinical studies showing that the Phoenix device is clinically proven to treat erectile dysfunction by repairing existing blood vessels and creates the growth of new ones. For the first time ever, men can use this type of therapy in the privacy of their own house without a prescription. It is the only at acoustic wave home device that improves sexual health.
If you want longer lasting and more intense erections than this is the device for you. If you are hesitant to get injections for ED ( I know I am) The Phoenix device for ED is the perfect alternative. Get off the fence and improve your sexual health today.
Li-ESWT stands for Low-intensity, extracorporeal shockwave therapy. The Phoenix is the only ‘medical-grade’ therapy device that you can use at home. All of the other acoustic wave therapy devices that you can purchase online are not considered to be medical-grade.

Why Should You Trust Me?

I have extensive experience using shockwave therapy devices to treat a wide array of pain and medical conditions. I have completed training in the clinical application of Shockwave Therapy and share my knowledge on how this amazing medication free method of pain management can help.

How Does the Phoenix ED Device Work?
The home device is usually used for anywhere between 90 to 120 days before you begin to see effective results, even though results can start to show up as early as a few weeks. The number of men who see improvement is 85%, so it’s shown, both in real-life scenarios and in numerous clinicals to be an effective device.
The device uses targeted shockwave therapy waves that dissolves plaque build-up in existing blood vessels. This improves blood flow by effectively cleaning the blood vessels and creating new blood vessels allowing more greater blood flow to the penis.
It also works in much the same way that bodybuilding works. When you lift weights, you cause damage through microscopic tears in the muscles. The body reacts by rushing blood, water, and protein to the tears to rebuild them bigger and stronger than before.

This acoustic wave home device does the same thing but on a different level. It causes what is known as micro-trauma. Now, it sounds like this sort of thing is going to hurt, however, it’s not like bodybuilding in that your muscles are sore when it’s over with.
But the body reacts in the same way, rushing in to heal the surrounding tissues, developing improved tissues, and also adding on layers of new blood vessels, which will further improve the existing blood flow to the penis.

To read more about acoustic wave therapy to treat erectile dysfunction click here
Is the Phoenix Device Expensive for ED?
Compared to medications and injections it’s a bargain. It costs $879 to purchase a Phoenix acoustic wave device but its much less expensive then getting shock wave therapy in a clinic of doctors office. If you were to receive this treatment in a doctors office it would cost $500 per treatment session. The average amount of session is 6. So it would be $3000 and you will have to return for maintenance sessions once a year. Want to save $$? Use Coupon Code OH365 to get $85 off. This coupon does not expire so use it at any time.
Special Financing Available
For qualified customers you can finance The Phoenix and 0% for up to 24 months!

According to the manufacturers of the Phoenix device, it can render over (70) seventy treatments, and an equivalent treatment process through visiting a clinic can run north of $30,000, which is a significant difference and makes the Phoenix acoustic wave device a much cheaper option.
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So it’s all about perspective and the Phoenix Li-ESWT is a very affordable alternative to in-clinic treatments, especially since you get 70 treatment sessions before the device needs to be replaced.
You can also look around on the internet and find a number of coupons or coupon codes that will give you large discounts on the Phoenix. So there are ways to minimize the cost. Although the Phoenix is considered to be a medical-grade device, it is not something that you can get prescribed to you, so that insurance will pay for it. Use code OH365 at checkout to receive $85 off your Phoenix acoustic wave device.
What’s Included in The Phoenix?

- The Phoenix device
- Medical-grade stainless steel tip
- AC Power Adapter
- Packet of lubricant
- Packet of topical numbing cream (if needed)
- Detailed instructions
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Some of the root causes of erectile dysfunction were mentioned above but it’s a matter of two things. The first cause of ED is that over time, we all develop plaque in our veins, capillaries, and arteries. This plaque is also responsible for things like heart attacks and strokes, so it’s certainly a concern that impacts erectile function.
Also, it’s simply a matter of getting older. As our bodies age, blood flow to extended areas of our bodies decreases. This is why older people generally complain about feeling cold all of the time. Not only does the skin density decrease, but solid blood flow decreases as well. This device solves this by growth of new blood vessels and greater blood flow.
Want to learn the difference between acoustic wave therapy vs shockwave therapy? Click here.
Fortunately, The Phoenix negates and actually reverses some of this, which is why it is such an effective treatment and it’s also why it takes a little time before it starts working properly. The clearing of plaque build-up and the increase in blood flow takes time, after all.
The GAINSWAVE & Phoenix treatment sets itself apart from many Erectile Dysfunction treatments. The Phoenix works on reducing blood flow to the spleens. The treatment of these issues is effective for long-term health benefits.
To learn about the difference between The Phoenix vs The Phoenix Pro click here.
Does the Phoenix Treatment Cause Pain?
When you think about it, bombarding plaque build-up and causing micro-damage sounds like something that is going to cause, if not a significant amount of pain, some level of soreness. That’s one of the best features of this device. It doesn’t cause immediate or lingering pain as an after effect of the treatment area.
That doesn’t mean that it won’t cause some level of irritation, it simply doesn’t have that kind of effect on most people. The device does come with some lidocaine packets for external pain-numbing but it’s not likely that you will need them.
It does cause a moderate level of sensation as the device does its work. Some may term this “sensation” uncomfortable. After all, the area that is being targeted is naturally a sensitive area for men. Overall its a painless device to use and you will get accustomed device after the first two treatments.
When I got my first device I bought some packs of 4% lidocaine numbing cream, but I never needed them. If you do experience any discomfort go ahead and apply numbing cream. Before taking treatment you should ensure your penis is secure and placed properly. Eventually, you will learn to feel the sound of the device and how the penis can be held while you move the device along the shaft of the treatment line. I think there will probably be some learning curves at the start as the procedure will be a bit awkward. However, it became easier to use over time.
How to Operate The Phoenix
It may feel a little awkward, but you have to place the tip of the device on your penis, as in a full level of contact. As you operate the device and it is sending out focused, low intensity sound waves, you will have to move the device up and down the penis along the 5 treatment area lines.
Some people only have between 12 and 14 treatments per year, however, the recovery time in between usage is 36 hours. You don’t want to use the device more than twice within the 36-hour period. It will be clearly outlined in the supporting manual that comes with the Phoenix so you will know how often you should use the device. After each treatment the device auto shuts off for 36 hours.
How Many Treatments are Needed for Erectile Dysfunction?
- 2 treatments per week for 30 days
- 30 days of rest / recovery
- (repeat at least once, then as-needed)
- Each treatment session takes less than 20 minutes
Here is how the treatment protocol works:
Week 1-4– Performing 2 easy treatments per week
Week 4-8 Taking 4 weeks off is crucial to maximizing your results
Week 8-12 Resume treatments 2x weekly
Week 12+ 94% of men report significant improvement with increased blood flow
To get the best results possible its recommended that you use a penis pump. You don’t need anything fancy or expensive. Any pump from Amazon will do. Use the pump 1-2 times per day per treatment after using The Phoenix
Want to Know How to Use The Phoenix? Click Here.
Is The Phoenix Legit?
Yes. The Phoenix improves sexual health in 94% of men that have tried it. The Phoenix follows the safe and clinically proven protocols published in numerous acoustic wave therapy clinical studies. Check out the studies Here:
What Men Are Saying About The Phoenix
In my personal experience this is a great product! No more medication for ED! After the first recovery period, I could tell a little difference but not the huge difference I was expecting then during the 2nd recovery period it was like a light switch going off. My confidence came back and I am able to perform any time I choose. The key is patience! It is not a sprint but a marathon. The Phoenix was a great purchase and I would recommend to any man with good health! For anybody on the fence, I hope this review helps you decide to purchase the Phoenix! With no risk there is no reward!
James L.
Just finished my 12th Treatment and now taking the month break. I have rock hard erections spontaneously now and even flaccid I am thicker and longer. These erections don’t go away for awhile even after sex. I am thinking about using the Bathmate Hydroextreme to finish off my treatments. My confidence level has soared
James M.
Was very skeptical at first. I followed all protocol and after 6 treatment sessions I noticed things change. After continuing on the results were very notable! It takes patience and diligence but it 100% works. The biggest thing I noticed is an increased sensitivity to my penis. I am happy with this product and would highly recommend it. Thank you for this👍🏻
Tyler P.
What is The Phoenix Device? Can it Help Guys Like You?
The Phoenix device for ED is the world’s only acoustic wave therapy device for home use made by Phoenix Launch Medical. It uses low intensity sound waves. This is patented across every continent with the same FDA registered approval that has been applied to the same devices for the past 10 years in clinics.
People are currently able to restore the blood flow circulation to improve the performance in the bedroom. Almost all men report a slight improvement in symptoms after a single session, with almost 94% getting more significant relief within 90-120 days from repeated treatment. Bottom line this therapy treatment improves erectile function and improves sexual performance.
To learn about Shockwave Therapy for ED click here.
Is The Phoenix Device Really Better than ED Medications?
Absolutely. Medications for ed treatment such as viagra can help with ED but come with many side effects:
- headaches
- stomach pain,
- upset stomach
- nausea
- diarrhea
- memory problems
Unlike pills, The Phoenix is a medication free method of minimizing the symptoms of ED without any of the horrible side effects.
Can I Get a Refund if it Doesn’t Work?
Yes. With The Phoenix, you can try it at your own home for a full 60 days. During that period, if it’s not for you, return your device for a full refund.
Can It Help Increase Penis Size?
The Phoenix does not increase your penis size but what it does do is improve the blood circulation which makes erections stronger and last longer. This can give the perception that your penis looks bigger. Bottom line it improves your erection quality.
Does it Work for Peyronie’s Disease?
Absolutley. Peyronie’s is basically scar tissue in the penis shaft that causes the penis to have a painful curve. The acoustic wave therapy that The Phoenix uses breaks up the scar tissue lining the penis, which allows the return of your natural shape improving erection quality. Check out my article HERE.
How Do You Maintain Results?
I maintain my results if I eat healthy food and avoid junk food. I get my hormone tests every year (mostly semi-yearly). My sleeping schedule is consistently 8-9 hours a night to ensure a enough rest and recovery. Getting my high blood pressure down has also been an important factor in getting results with The Phoenix. Finally, I exercise three to four times weekly and remain healthy.
Legal Disclaimer
We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. We are NOT doctors. We can’t diagnose you. If you need a diagnosis, prognosis or medical advice, go to your doctor.
Get The Phoenix Today for Erectile Dysfunction
Final Thoughts
The Phoenix Li-ESWT is certainly an effective treatment device for erectile dysfunction and it is the only medical-grade device that you can purchase for in-home use. It has been tested in several clinicals and is shown to provide results in 94% of men after 12 weeks. The best part is that there are no side effects. Get improved erection quality today and try The Phoenix!
8 responses to “Does The Phoenix Device Really Work for ED?-My In-Depth Review”
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[…] of what makes the Phoenix Pro worth the high cost is the fact that you don’t just get a Phoenix Pro device and nothing else. It comes with additional things as well, including the in-clinic treatments, so […]
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[…] Phoenix device operates in much the same way as GAINSwave treatments, using a wand, with a water-based lubricant, […]
[…] going to use this article to find out more about this great GAINSWave alternative- The Phoenix device. This will help you decide whether this device could be for […]
[…] going to use this article to find out more about this great GAINSWave alternative- The Phoenix device. This will help you decide whether this device could be for […]
[…] noisy- The Phoenix is a very loud device and sounds like a jack hammer. You do get used to the noise level after a couple of treatments but […]