When it comes to blood flow as we get older we gradually lose it and make getting an erection more difficult. The Phoenix ED device is the solution to increasing blood flow and circulation to your penis. It’s proven to drastically lessen the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

The Phoenix is the first home-use therapy device specifically made for erectile dysfunction and improves your sexual health. What sets this apart from other acoustic wave therapy devices is that it targets ED and blood flow issues. The acoustic waves are designed to increase blood circulation to the penis and even repair damaged blood vessels while creating new ones.
The Phoenix ED Device Reviews Reddit
The Phoenix uses acoustic wave technology that is effective in breaking up plaque in the existing blood vessels to increase blood flow through the penis. As the waves pass through the penile tissue they encourage growth of new, healthy blood vessels thus making it a viable treatment for ED.
How Much is The Phoenix?
The Phoenix is normally $879 but you can use our coupon code oh365 and get $85 off the device. It may seem like a large sum of money but you have to think about what you’re paying for.

For example if you were to get clinic treatments for ED at the doctors office you can expect to pay $500 per treatment. The machine that they use in an office setting can run up to $40,000 and they need to charge that much per treatment to make up for their initial investment. Also you will need more than one treatment. Typically the protocol calls for at least 6 treatments that can cost up to $3000. With The Phoenix its a one time cost and you are able to use the device in the comfort of your own home.
Special Financing Available
You have the option of selecting low monthly payments when purchasing The Phoenix. After clicking the Buy Now button you can select a payment plan with Bread®.
Benefits of payment plans:
- Pay for The Phoenix over time with easy monthly installment payments that fit your budget
- Pay for your purchase with monthly payments. Prepay at any time without penalty
- No paperwork. No hassle. Get a decision in seconds and without affecting your credit score
How to Use Buy Now Pay Later
- Choose “Bread Pay Over Time” when checking out
- Answer a few simple questions online
- See if you qualify for financing with Bread® in seconds
- Proceed with check out
*Example payments are based on the listed product price(s) assuming a 24-month loan term and a 9.99% APR. Subject to approval of credit application. Rates range from 0% to 29.99% APR, resulting in, for example, 24 monthly payments of $46.14 at 9.99% APR, per $1,000 borrowed. APRs will vary depending on credit qualifications, loan amount, and term. Bread® pay-over-time plans are loans made by Comenity Capital Bank.

How to Use The Phoenix?
Check out the detailed article to learn how to use The Phoenix and how to get the best results.
The Phoenix was invented by a urologist who took the same clinical strength technology used in a doctors office and made an at home hand held version for a fraction of the price.
With The Phoenix you get up to 70 treatments before needing to replace it. You will not need all 70 treatments at once. You progress through a cycle of 8 treatments in one month ( treating twice a week) and then you rest one month so which allows the creation of new blood vessels. If you need more treatments depending on your level ED, you do more.
As far the acoustic wave devices found on Amazon and eBay I would be careful with what you look for. Because it’s not the same as what The Phoenix is. Best of luck if you do end up buying something on the web as it will not have clear instructions and the customer support is non-existent. With The Phoenix any questions will be answered by an expert via phone or chat on their website.
Treatment Protocol
- 2 treatments per week for 30 days
- 30 days of rest / recovery
- (repeat at least once, then as-needed)
- Each session takes less than 20 minutes
- Here is how the treatment protocol works:
Week 1-4– Performing 2 simple treatments per week
Week 4-8 Taking 4 weeks off is critical to maximizing your results
Week 8-12 Resume treatments twice weekly
Week 12+ Results speak for themselves as 94% of men report significant improvement
To get the best results possible its recommended that you use a penis pump. You don’t need anything fancy or expensive. Any pump from Amazon will do. Use the pump 1-2 per day in between sessions.
To read more on how to use The Phoenix click here
Does Treatment Cause Pain?
The Phoenix is painless. The treatments do not cause pain or discomfort. Some people may find using The Phoenix to be a little uncomfortable but you can use the numbing cream that is included.
Does The Phoenix Work?
Absolutely, in fact, most of patients who use this treatment have seen improved results. In clinical studies, about 91% of patients reported successful results, including an increase to blood flow along with stronger and longer lasting erections.
Get The Best Results w/The Phoenix
To get the best results when using The Phoenix you will have to take a holistic approach. Consider possible lifestyle choices you’re already doing that are adding on to your blood flow issue. Eating processed foods will lead to high cholesterol, diabetes and other health conditions that will reduce your blood flow even more to the penis.
Take control of your health. If you want the best results with The Phoenix you have to eat a clean diet and exercise. The Phoenix is not a magic bullet. If you are doing the right things health wise The Phoenix will enhance the results you get.
Bottom line The Phoenix works. If you follow the treatment protocol with The Phoenix the effects can last up to 2 years so long as you maintain an active lifestyle, do a small maintenance routine here and there and just be healthy overall. The Phoenix is not a cure or one time solution but its a much better than taking medications that have horrible side effects.
Final Thoughts
The ultimate benefit of using The Phoenix is that it lasts a lot longer than pills or injections. Viagra only lasts about 4 hours and injections can cause scar tissue over time. Avoid these side effects with The Phoenix.
Every single man should have this device at home, regardless if they have ED or not. If you want longer lasting erections and increased blood flow The Phoenix is a game changer and can help as you get older.
Now that affordable shockwave therapy at home is available to men with The Phoenix there is no excuse not to take advantage of it. Get stronger and longer lasting erections with increased blood flow all without the need for prescribed medications. Act now and save $85 with coupon code OH365. Head over to http://www.getmyphoenix.com/365 and get the best price available!
2 responses to “The Phoenix ED Device Reviews Reddit”
[…] will give you large discounts on the Phoenix. So there are ways to minimize the cost. Although the Phoenix is considered to be a medical-grade device, it is not something that you can get prescribed to you, so that insurance will pay for […]
[…] with ED (erectile dysfunction) and Peyronies Disease through the use of shock wave therapy. The device in question is known as The Phoenix Li-ESWT device, and it’s becoming a popular choice amongst those affected by ED. […]